Emerging Leaders Forum

The Emerging Leaders Forum (ELF) is a program designed for Victorian Year 5 to Year 8 students and overseas students from schools across the Asia-Pacific region.

The program aims to enhance engagement with the Asia-Pacific region and provides earlier level curriculum entry points for Victorian schools to help them embed global learning and engagement activities into their teaching and learning and student engagement initiatives.

Benefits for students

The ELF connects Victorian and international students, enhances student leadership, voice, agency and intercultural understanding, and provides participants with the opportunity to explore what it means to be a global citizen.

A core benefit for students participating in the forums is the carefully constructed opportunities to strengthen their global competency and metacognitive skills, as well as meaningfully exercise their voice, agency and leadership.

The program further supports students to:

  • construct knowledge, analyse concepts and multiple perspectives concerning global citizenship, culture and identity
  • explore 21st century challenges and opportunities faced by the international community through dialogue; as well as apply knowledge and skills to propose solutions to local and global real-world problems
  • provide opportunities to strengthen intercultural capability and build global competency skills such as leadership and empathy.

Program structure

The Emerging Leaders Forum features two distinct streams catered separately to primary school students in Years 5 and 6, and junior secondary students in Years 7 and 8.

In this program, students undertake a critical, creative and collaborative learning activity focused on global citizenship and linked to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Teachers and students are supported by pre-forum and post-forum activities designed to build their foundational knowledge for maximum engagement, and are exposed to captivating guest speakers and youth change-makers.

Key dates

To express interest in the primary and junior secondary programs and get more information on the program structure, key dates and activities, visit the links below:

For questions, contact: global.learning@education.vic.gov.au

Last Update: 26/07/2024 4:34 PM