​​​​​Studying at a government secondary school in Victoria, gives you the freedom to take responsibility and make decisions about the subjects you want to study.

Victorian government secondary schools offer:

  • highly flexible education with over 90 subject choices
  • high-quality learning and excellent pathways to tertiary education
  • an open learning environment
  • a strong foundation for future personal and career success
  • a balanced social and cultural life.

Whatever your interest areas or career ambitions – we've got the subjects for you.

And we're always available to offer guidance about choosing your subjects to suit your learning needs and university pathway. We can even help you to change your subjects if you find they're not the right ones for you. 

Transcript for video

Secondary School Program (1:04 mins)

​Secondary school years

You can choose any combination of subjects from any learning area, combined with either one or two compulsory subjects. English and Maths for Year 9 and 10 students and English for Year 11 and 12 students. The rest of your study plan is your choice. 

Infographic: Year 7, aged under 15, year 8 aged under 16, year 9 aged under 17, year 10 aged under 18, year 11 aged under 19, year 12 aged under 20.

Years 9 to 12 students

You can choose any combination of subjects from any learning area, combined with either one or two compulsory subjects. English and maths for Year 9 and 10 students and English for Year 11 and 12 students. The rest of your study plan is your choice.

There are over 90 Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) subject areas across nine key learning areas: 

There are over 90 VCE subject areas across nine key learning areas:

  • English
  • languages other than English
  • science
  • mathematics
  • technology
  • the Arts
  • humanities
  • business studies 
  • health and physical education.

Do you want to obtain a qualification? Do you want to be a part of the Study Abroad Program? You can easily find an option to suit. Our online application process will assist you to find out:

  1. the program that applies to you
  2. the application form you need to use
  3. the fees you are required to pay when attending a Victorian government school
  4. the type of visa you need to apply for.
Infographic: Reasons for choosing a Victorian Government School Education. 1. Quality education - leaders in education, 2. VCE - an international qualification, 3. Excellent English language programs, 4. Multicultural, safe and friendly community, 5. Caring individual welfare support, 6. Wide choice of schools, 7. Supportive and safe homestay families, 8. Government owned - secure and trusted, 9. World-renowned universities, 10. Outstanding place to live

Choosing a high school

Approximately 120 accredited secondary schools in Victoria, Australia are available to international students who choose to study as part of an International Student Program. You will be able to choose a school that offers you:

  • the subjects you want to study
  • the extra-curricular activities you enjoy
  • a place at the right year level for you.

Our team can help you with your choice. Let us know your preferences on your application form and we will match you with the school that will be the best fit for your education.

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Download the Right School Right Place guide to find out more about schools in Victoria.

All schools hosting international students go through a rigorous accreditation process undertaken by the department (DE).

DE ensure schools meet high-quality standards relating to: 

  • program provision
  • accommodation
  • reporting to parents
  • and welfare arrangements.

Under the Education Reform Act all Victorian schools must register to meet standards. 

To search for a school, use the find a school function on our website.

Finding the right year level

Secondary school students are aged between 12 and 20 years old. Years 7 to 12 form secondary school classes (total duration up to 6 years).  

Academic success is important. The Victorian school curriculum offers you the opportunity to study new and interesting subjects that will widen your view of the world.

Our secondary school subjects will help you find your passions and we know you'll have fun along the way too. Our secondary schools view social growth and trying to keep students of the same ages together as important:

In secondary school, students must meet an upper age limit for each year level.

Entry level and upper age limits

  • Year 7: less than 15 years of age
  • Year 8: less than 16 years of age
  • Year 9: less than 17 years of age
  • Year 10: less than 18 years of age
  • Year 11: less than 19 years of age
  • Year 12: less than 20 years of age.

Study plan

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Work out the best study plan for you

English language requirements

Secondary school students must have a good level of English language skills prior to commencing their course of study.

To meet the minimum English language requirements for secondary school students, a student must provide documented evidence that the student has:

  • been taught at a school for at least 2 years where English is the primary language of instruction; or
​ ​

Years 7, 8 & 9

Year 10

Years 11 & 12

English Language Requirements - Standard Students

IELTS or IELTS indicator**
67 and above
Special Home Edition**
TOEFL Essentials
Grade 3
Grade 3
Grade 2A
PTE academic
47 and above
Cambridge B2 for schools
169 and above
English-taught students
Student has been taught at school where English is the primary language of instruction for at least 2 years

Successful completion of
English language program
If the above requirements cannot be met, applicants can choose to undertake one of the following to meet their English language requirements:
  • undertake English language studies in a Victoria government school as part of their course, if available 
  • undertake an English language course in Victoria through another CRICOS-registered provider, face to face only. 
The duration of English language provision will normally be 20 or 21 weeks (two terms), depending on when the student commences the school year. 

Academic Requirements

Students must have achieved at least 60% on average in each core academic subject over the past two years. Please contact international@education.vic.gov.au for further information.

Welfare and accommodation options

Living with a parent, guardian or relative

International students can choose to live with a parent, guardian or relative (if aged 15 years and older). 


Homestay with a local family is a popular option for students travelling without their parents or guardians. Having the support of another family and a connection to your local community can make all the difference to settling in and improving your English language confidence.

Find out more about accommodation options for Victorian government schools.


To learn about the costs of studying and living in Victoria, see:

Fees and program options

Use our online application process to find out:

  • the program that applies to you
  • the school fees you are required to pay for attending a Victorian government school
  • the type of visa you need to apply for
  • the application form you need to use.
Apply now >
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CRICOS Provider Name and Code: Department of Education, 00861K.
CRICOS Course Names and Codes: Primary (Prep to Year 6), 019047G; Secondary (7-12), 019048F; Victorian College of the Arts Secondary Course (7-12), 028651A.
Last Update: 8/12/2023 1:10 PM